Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Long time

no see. Not that I mind that as such.

But... when I am not there to make sure, you tend to

fill my bowl with dry food instead of meat. And treats. So.

See how cute I am. And how hungry. And act. Now.


Sleeping in the sun is good.

Seeing my tin-opener come back is better.

It spells food. Right?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


roll roll in ze hay. Well lawn. Whatever. Gets me food.


Approaching. With a purpose.

Love love. Did I say purpose?

Well that is cat for ulterior motive.

Off! Off my tin-opener! I need food, err meant love first!

Monday, June 9, 2008


He seems to have given up. And about to feed me. No wonder. I have been caterwauling louldy enough in the stair-well and his place...

Patience, I am afraid, is not my forte...

but I have priorities...

Now that the itch is gone, get down here and feed me already!


The art of ambushing. I have it down to kitten's play. In the morning, I get my tin-opener on his way out. In the evening, I get him on his way in. What does that mean? Regular large meals for me.

He complained like "Patience! Let me put away my shopping!"

No way dude. I shall follow you. Until you feed me.

Love love love. Feed me now? Or must I bite your unprotected feet again?

Saturday, June 7, 2008

You do not talk

about fight club.

No way. Am not talking.

Feed me. Is all I will say.

Are you deaf?! Feed me now! I had a bad night!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Night owl

So? Yes, I am roaming.

There. I did come back after all. For the food, do not get me wrong.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Hugging got me thinking.

Now if I show something... looking like affection?

There. Love love love.

You human...

Will I get more treats? Before you answer, feel my claws on your leg.


Now that I am awake and hungry...

let's play some. So I can eat more.

You game?



Nap. Good thing. Dreams of fish.

Dreams may come true? There's my tin-opener!


I am ready!

Monday, June 2, 2008


I was taking a nap just now. But for food... I will get up. Let me stretch, first...

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Inside, there must be food.

Since I surely did not get any out here yet.

So I want in!

Bah humbug. No food in there either.


The tip of my tail. Tasty. What can I say?